Course description:
elementary school in Limón The service learning project in Limón provides a
cross-cultural immersion, a valuable real-world
experience, and the opportunity to improve the Spanish
language fluency. Students are required to be active participants in their
placements and will attend to a daily compulsory
meeting. The meeting is conducted in Spanish and
students are expected to make contributions based on
their personal experiences during the day of community
service and using the Spanish language. Learning objectives
See how well participants can operate within a Costa
Rican Institution or social organization.
Acquire a better understanding about Costa Rican ways
of working, specifically in Limón, a Costa Rican
Province found and developed by immigrants and
Afro-Caribbean descendents.
Observe management habits in a Spanish speaking
country, specifically in a large community where English
and Spanish and some dialects are used at the same time.
Increase the understanding of Limón culture and its
Improve communication skills when building a labor
relationship with co-workers.
- Learn how to work with a team in a different culture.
- Compare Costa Rican forms of communication with
Experience working within a limited budget, etc.
Further information on this program please contact us
using this form.
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